Last week, a friend contacted me, saying she was headed to a wedding in Louisiana, and asked if I would make a necklace and earrings to match her dress. Yesterday, I finished the necklace and earrings, and am happy with how they turned out. It was a challenge, I have a really hard time with color coordination, but it was fun, especially knowing that it was for a good friend.
Most children these days get a much better education than I ever did, especially in art. Children are schooled in color theory, and elements of design…the school I went to we had lots of hands on opportunity, but none of the reasons behind it, or ways to make it better. So, when it comes to color, it is hit or miss with me.
Several years ago, I went back to get my masters in education, which then landed me a substitute teaching job in a local school system. I felt like I was finally getting the fifth grade education I never had as a result of teaching. So many holes in my education that were finally explained. The art teacher in the school system was particularly good.
Nothing like learning the things you should have learned in fifth grade at the age of 50, but better late than never. I still have much to learn, but I feel like I am making progress.
Anyway, here is the picture of the dress she sent me, and the necklace and earrings I made.
Do you have a special function coming up for which I can make you a necklace?