Works from the Woods

Welcome! Works from the Woods features handmade items created in the deep dark woods of central Massachusetts. Items include pottery, lampworked glass, slumped glass and other goods inspired by nature. New items are added regularly, so please be sure to check back.

Each item is made by Virginia Wood, who finally is living the life she always imagined. Surrounded by her loving dogs, in her log cabin tucked into the oak forest of central Massachusetts, she spends her days playing in her studio. When not in her studio, she is somewhere outside, working on next year’s wood supply or digging in her gardens. Starting in July 2021, Virginia hopes to be giving pottery and ceramic lessons at the Prescott School Community Center located in downtown Groton. For more information, check out

Lampworked glass items are made with Italian moretti/effetre glass using techniques that go back centuries, updated with modern tools and techniques. They are all kiln annealed, providing for the strongest glass possible.

The pottery is all made with a white stoneware with food safe glazes. Each piece is oven safe, but care should be taken to avoid thermal shock. Each piece is also microwavable.

Thank you so much for visiting.